News overview
Victron Energy News - wk12 2016


Victron Toolkit app – now with QR scanner
Many of you will be familiar with the handy Victron Toolkit app. This has now been updated for Android and iPhone to include a QR code (Quick Response code) scanner. Using the built in scanner you can read the QR code printed on Victron Energy products, which will take you directly to a webpage giving detailed product information.
Click here to read more about it.

New datasheets (in different languages):
BlueSolar PWM-DUO Charge Controller
BlueSolar PWM-Light Charge Controllers 12/24V
Battery Protect 12V-24V 65A 100A 220A
And of course also available on our website.

Updated manuals (in different languages of course):
Battery Protect 12V-24V 65A 100A 220A
Centaur Charger
And also available on our website.

LAST REMINDER - Victron Energy Training Days
Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming training days which will be held in the Netherlands, Almere.
On March 24th the training will be in English
On March 25th the training will be in Dutch

The program will be the same for both days. Both courses will be held simultaneously, so depending on your expertise or interest, be sure to sign up for one OR the other.

Technical Training 1
Especially for those new to Victron.

  • All products and Systems in general

Technical Training 2
Especially for those who work regularly with Victron products and software.

  • Hub 4 systems
  • The latest software features
  • New products

You can apply for this training at:

Both days start at 9:00 until approx. 16:00 hrs.
The training course is free of charge, lunch is included.
Travel and hotel is at your own expense.

The training will be held at:
Van der Valk Hotel in Almere
Veluwezoom 45
1327 AK Almere
The Netherlands
Tel +31 (0)36 8000 800
Fax +31 (0)36 8000 810
Use this link to book a room:
If you need assistance booking a hotel, please let us know.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the training.


Arise Sir Launch-A-Lot!
Great news, the good knight Sir Launch-A-Lot and the Impossible Robotics team have won an award at this year’s FIRST ® Robotics Competition in Orlando.
If you are not familiar with the team and why Victron are delighted to sponsor them, you can check out the blog Sir Launch-A-Lot visits Victron Energy.
Read more about the Impossible Robotics team and Sir Launch-A-Lot!