News overview
Victron Energy News - wk11 2016


BatteryProtect: It does exactly what is says and more…
Affordable and effective, the BatteryProtect range has been further expanded to include two new models; BatteryProtect 48V-100A and BatteryProtect 12/24V 65A.
John Rushworth wished he’d known about these earlier for his boat as they do far more than just protect. Of course they can be used in any battery application (not just boats) that needs to be protected and isolated. In fact why buy a battery isolation switch at all – when a BatteryProtect can do that and more. Lesson learned as they say.
Click here to read more about the BatteryProtect.

New manuals (in different languages):
BatteryProtect 48V 100A
BatteryProtect 65A 100A 220A
Also available on our website.

Victron Energy Training Days in GERMANY
We would like to invite you to the upcoming training days which will be held in Schweinfurt, Germany on the 16th and 17th of March 2016.
Both days will be in the German language.

The program:
Day 1:
Product Training
Day 2: ‘Victron Energy Communication & Hands-on workshop’
The training course is free of charge, lunch is included.
Travel and hotel is at your own expense.
For more information and the way to register for these trainings see:


Nächste Victron Energy Schulungen in Schweinfurt in der Deutsche Sprache
Für Kunden aus dem Deutschsprachigen Raum laden wir Sie gerne am 16. und 17. März 2016 in Schweinfurt ein.

Das Programm:
Tag 1:
Die ‚Produktschulung‘ am Mittwoch 16. März 2016
Tag 2: Victron Energy Kommunikation und Praxisworkshop‘ am Donnerstag 17. März 2016
Beide Veranstaltungen finden in Schweinfurt statt und sind für Sie kostenlos.
Für weitere Information und die Möglichkeit sich an zu melden siehe:

REMINDER - Victron Energy Training Days
Don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming training days which will be held in the Netherlands, Almere-haven.
On March 24th the training will be in English
On March 25th the training will be in Dutch

The program will be the same for both days. Both courses will be held simultaneously, so depending on your expertise or interest, be sure to sign up for one OR the other.

Technical Training 1
Especially for those new to Victron.

  • All products and Systems in general

Technical Training 2
Especially for those who work regularly with Victron products and software.

  • Hub 4 systems
  • The latest software features
  • New products

You can apply for this training at:

Both days start at 9:00 until approx. 16:00 hrs.
The training course is free of charge, lunch is included.
Travel and hotel is at your own expense.

The training will be held at:
Van der Valk Hotel in Almere
Veluwezoom 45
1327 AK Almere
The Netherlands
Tel +31 (0)36 8000 800
Fax +31 (0)36 8000 810
Use this link to book a room:
If you need assistance booking a hotel, please let us know.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the training.